JP Rangaswami included a nice mention about my book, Outside Innovation, in a provocative post on his blog 6174 time for content: there’s a train crash a-coming -- about the collision course that content/digital rights management and intellectual property all appear to be on.
JP says:
We have group A marching to Content is King.
We have group B marching to Customer is King....
Look carefully, and you will notice something weird about groups A and B.
Many people belong to both groups.
....Along comes group C, and they march to the sound of a different drummer. Syncopation? Their mantra is:
Customer Content is King
Whoops again. That’s not the tune that Content is King is played to. That’s not the tune that DRM is played to. That’s what ASCAP didn’t figure out; that’s how BMI walked in, so eloquently described by Larry [Lessig].
There’s a train crash a-coming.
Only the customer can make content king. We must all remember that."
JP's post generated quite a bit of commentary--and introduced me to a great blog I had been missing!
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