Most of you—our clients—are “best practitioners” in the art of online merchandising and search marketing. You invest in search engine optimization. You constantly refine your Web site search and navigation. We’d like to calibrate how far along you are in integrating your search marketing efforts to provide the optimal findability, navigation, and results for prospects and customers. So please take our Search-Driven Marketing Strategy Survey. And forward this link to your colleagues to take as well. You’ll find Sue Aldrich’s questions provocative. As you respond to her queries, I’m sure you’ll begin to realize that there may be things you should be doing that you hadn’t really thought about yet. We’ll publish the survey results shortly and offer our analysis and recommendations about what you can do to make it easier for customers to find your products and services in order to meet their needs.
In the following portion of the survey, you referred to Paid Inclusion as Sponsored Listings:
PPC advertising on web search engines (eg, Google AdWords)
Paid inclusion in web search engine results (sponsored listings)
Isn't it PPC Advertising that's more commonly referred to as Sponsored Listings?
Posted by: Melanie James | April 23, 2008 at 01:57 AM