Engineering is the use of advanced measurement and control techniques
to design, develop, and improve products and technologies resulting in
environmental and economic benefits.”1
The good news is that, just as environmental issues are becoming more
and more critical to humankind, we now have affordable technologies
that enable us monitor and manage our (bio-)systems, reduce the
greenhouse gases we emit, lower the amount of energy we consume, and
thereby reduce our costs while benefiting our planet. Every engineer is
becoming a “green engineer” because all of us are now intent on
reducing carbon footprints and in saving money by reducing the energy
consumption of the products and processes we design and control. How Is Green Engineering Done?
Today, an increasing number of scientists and engineers are designing
complex feedback and control systems that enable them to:
1. Monitor multiple data feeds from a myriad of sensors that detect and
capture analog signals (temperature, humidity, pH, gases, chemicals) in
real time.
2. Analyze these streams of input in near real time.
3. Correlate the relationships among the inputs to create a dynamic model of a complex system.
4. Take compensating or corrective actions by sending signals to
trigger actions based on real-time events, triggers, and thresholds.
What Enabling Technologies Are “Green Engineers” Using? Taking Advantage of Globally Shared Metadata Frameworks and Mapping Using Lakes to Monitor the Health of Our Planet Thanks to Professor Tom Harmon at the University of California, Merced
for letting me highlight his team’s work in this week’s case study. I
thought that this particular example of green engineering in action
would be of interest to anyone who wants to understand what’s possible
using today’s distributed sensor technologies and near real-time
What makes green engineering easier to do today than ever before are
the cost effective and convenient tools we now have that enable us to
sense, detect, analyze, monitor, and control multiple parallel
processes with great precision at relatively low costs. Here are some
core enabling technologies that are commonly used in green engineering
• High-Speed and High-Resolution Measurements. There
are literally tens of thousands of different sensors available to
measure most real world phenomena. Many of these sensors are
inexpensive enough that they can be widely distributed. Most sensors
can now transmit their signals and data wirelessly. Their locations can
be precisely pinpointed using GPS technology. Their data feeds can be
gathered and analyzed remotely using low-cost Internet connections.
Today’s sensors are able to gather and to report extremely detailed,
high-resolution measurements and send those measurements immediately.
• Advanced Analysis and Signal Processing. As
all of this high-speed, high-resolution information arrives, we need to
be able to make sense of it, to convert it to engineering measurements,
to digitize it, to analyze the data in near real time, and to visualize
and understand the patterns that emerge. Advances in software
instrumentation now make it straightforward to perform very complex
computations on these multiple signal streams as their inputs are being
• High-Speed and Advanced Control. As
the signals are being processed, it’s now possible to trigger
appropriate actions in near real time in order to control or to alter
processes with great precision, using a combination of open and closed
loop controls, and to monitor the results of the actions taken.
• Embedded System Technology. Computers
are now able to be embedded everywhere. Intelligent systems are found
in many devices, from cell phones to thermostats to windmills. We no
longer have to rely on general-purpose computers to sense, monitor,
analyze, and control our environment. Most of the devices we use have
computing and communications technology embedded in them.
A Bottoms Up, Globally Distributed Phenomenon
As my research showed, green engineering is taking place all around the
globe. Keeping track of all of these initiatives is a daunting task. In
fact, it’s kind of like the spread of the Internet. Each engineering
team monitors the signals they care about, in the spatial temporal
resolution that’s appropriate for the task at hand, and controls the
outputs and actions that make sense for their applications. As they do
so, they’re collecting large amounts of very granular data in real
time. So, for example, the Malaysian engineer I interviewed, Thiru
Subramaniam, the CTO from Chiller Energy Management Systems (CEMS), has
been monitoring the temperatures on the outside of a dozen buildings in
Malaysia and Singapore every 10 seconds for two years. He has watched
the ambient temperature increase two degrees over the last two years.
He pointed out that someone is probably also monitoring the temperature
in the nearby seas. Correlating the ocean temperature and the external
building temperatures might be useful.
One of the most encouraging aspects about the real-time data being
gathered in many green engineering projects—especially those that are
related to monitoring the environment—is that many of these initiatives
are setting up open frameworks for encoding and sharing the data they
are capturing and analyzing. For an example of one such project, see
the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network at Gleon.org. This is an
informal, grass roots effort by researchers in a variety of academic
and research institutions to instrument fresh water lakes around the
world in order to be able to monitor them—both as a way to monitor
water quality and environmental issues and also to use these lakes as
an early warning system for the overall health of our planet.